Check-in Form Name * First Name Last Name What changes have you seen in your symptoms this week? * Tell me about any areas in which you're still struggling, or any challenges that have arisen. * What was your diet like this week? * What was your digestion like this week? * What was your sleep like this week? * What was your movement/exercise quality this week? * What was your average daily energy level? * What was your average daily stress management ability? * How has your mental health been over the last week? How many times this week did you do something you deeply loved? * How did following your plan go this week? * What is your intuition telling you to focus on this upcoming week? What are your goals for this upcoming week? * What can I do to better help you succeed at your goals? * Is there anything else from this week you'd like me to know about? * What questions do you have for me? * Thank you! I look forward to reading your check-in answers, and further customizing your plan based on your needs for the upcoming week.